My Picture of the Week

My Picture of the Week

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Multiple Moral Story

When all the other birds in their flock flew south for the winter, this one buncha young birds just didn’t feel like leaving yet. Fall was nice, and it was kinda cool to do anything they wanted with no bossy adult birds around. They dawdled and did aerobatics and lollygagged lazily until grub got short, things got cold and no grownup birds magically appeared to save them. Finally they headed south.
They didn’t get far when they flew into a freezing sleet storm. This one little fella’s wings froze up and he fell into a snow-covered pasture. His buddies, those other birds, just kept flyin’. There he lay unable to move, minutes from death by hypothermia when a cow came along and took a big dump on him. Oh, it was awful! Deep and steaming and stinkin’! He was whinin’ and sniveling and bemoaning his terrible fate when he noticed—what’s this? The heat and insulation of the cow’s dung was warming him up, restoring his life! He felt strength returning to his wings and his heart beat happily!
He poked his head out and found the storm had passed! Thrilled, he loudly trilled a joyous song! A passing cat heard the song, spotted the bird’s colorful topknot, snatched him outta the dungpile, tore him apart and ate him.
There are several morals to this story. Wh
ile it is not always wise to go with the flock, when movement is away from danger and natural consequences, those who freeze in place become victims. Wisdom is knowing when movement is meaningless—and when it’s for survival. Sometimes those older birds are both older and wiser. Others you’ve had good times with may not stop and help when they see you fall—they’ll just save their own feathered little butts. You may have thought they were real friends, but they were just playmates— “fair-weather friends.”
Sometimes having fun can get you killed when you fail to notice approaching storms. Youth and strength are wonderful, but they don’t make you invincible or immortal. Not everyone who dumps on you is your enemy, and not all crappy situations pose any serious threat—they just stink. Not everybody who pulls you outta the dungpile is your friend. And finally, even though you may be deep in poop, if you’re warm and safe, you ought to take a careful, cautious look around before you stick your head out, open your yap and start yodeling.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

How can you Forgive Someone who Betrayed you?

I need your help. I was deeply betrayed by my sister. I was married previously. While I was engaged my sister had sex with my fiance. I didn't know about it until we were divorcing a year later. I was told by my ex-sister- in- law. I was crushed and devastated. I couldn't believe she could do this to me. We were inseparable as kids and thoughtout our twenties. We had gone through so much together as we were both single mothers. Her daughter was named after me.
I was so hurt I couldn't even speak to her about it for two years. I kept it to myself. When I starting seeing my second wonderful husband he encouraged me to write her a letter. I did and asked her to tell our mother what she had done. I had previously told our mom and she told me I was lying. I wanted her to explain why and how she could do this to me.
When I received her letter I was shocked. First she told me I had humiliated her by having her tell our mother. Her explanation was " she was having a bad time in her life"! She never said sorry and even indicated I was a bad mother. In my letter I  had asked her why she had not told me before we married because I would have never married him and put my son through that. That's when she said I would have even if I knew.
I tried and thought I had moved past it. I just came to realize just exactly what kind of person she was. I thought I had barred it. Its been over 13 years now. My sister has again done something outside of her marriage. When she told my mother and I about it. She spoke about it as if she were telling us what she ate for lunch. This caused all the pain and feelings of betrayal to flood back.
This was a man I had loved at that time. I need to understand why and how. I think because she never accepted responsibility for her actions or simply said sorry I haven't been able to move on.
I sent her two text messages trying to explain to her how I feel. I have received no response. How do I move forward and allow her back into my life if or if she doesn't talk with me about this? How can a sister do this?
Please help me and give me your thoughts on what to do.
Thank you,