My Picture of the Week

My Picture of the Week

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Self Worth

As a young child I can't remember my parents ensteeling any self esteem. I was the fat child. I was teased at school and didn't have many friends. I was sick a lot with severe asthma. My mom made me walk to the bus stop with a painters dust mask over my mouth and nose. I hated it. Couldn't play outside on recess either. I had to go sit in the office. My asthma was bad and for some reason my mother thought breathing in cold air would exacerbate my asthma.
I hated recess and lunch. I hated eating alone. A few times I ate in the bathroom. I was embarrassed to sit alone in the cafeteria.
My name is Christine but in elementary school I went by Chrissy. So I was the poor girl who wore the dusk mask. I had bad vision and wore coke bottles! Add chubby and my mother only bought me old ladies polyester pants. The ones with the faux fabric seam down the legs. Ohhs I had blossemed too but mom didn't think I needed a bra. I was called "Chrissy Pissy"! I didn't smell like urine it just rhymed. So are you picturing me yet as a kid? Its a beautiful site! Lol
Looking back I wasn't that chunky. Shoot wish I was that chubby now!
I think everyone has similar horror stories from elementary school.
I never held on to angry. Maybe I was always hoping tomorrow will be better. I laugh now at the name they teased me...Chrissy Pissy because now I do leak and I'm Chrissy Pissy!

I don't hold on to painful or upsetting things. I just always try to let it roll off my back. Then figuire out a way to deal with it. In my future blogs I will be sharing all my stories. I'm hoping if I can change on persons life then its all worth it!

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