My Picture of the Week

My Picture of the Week

Monday, April 28, 2014

Brighten up Someone Else's Day

Today I had to venture out to my pain specialist doctor. Waiting in the waiting room I met a few women. A lady named Deliela. She was obviously in serious pain. You could tell by her slow walk and her face. She was a delightful. I told her she looked so cute. Her outfit was cute. I love to give people compliments. It seemed to uplift her spirit. We are always so focused on our own trials and tribulations. We don't think of how lucky we are dispute our diseases, money problems and just everyday issues. Deliela told me what happened to her. She was hit by a drunk driver and thrown from the car then partial run over by another car. We talked and she seemed a little as if her spirit was at the end of the rope. She previously had a DNR in "obviously GOD has other plans for you". I told her she was a miracle! I tried to uplift her spirit. After our talk she had a smile on her face disbite her pain and issues.
her medical directive. She stated the hospital and doctors didn't follow her request. I talked with her and said
Something as simple as a compliment and a conversation can be just what somebody needs. She brightened my day and didn't even know it. I prayed for her. She had a beautiful aura.
So I thought today I would let you all know about Deliela. May GOD continue to bless and heal her.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Turning Lemons into Lemonade isn't Always EASY!

I know...I know..its easy for someone on the outside of your life to say this. It seems everyone always try to comfort you in your times of need.
I'm slightly different. Sure I'm sympathetic to them but I am that girl who'll tell you exactly how I feel. sometimes its hard for someone close to you to be honest with you. Sometimes I am told I need a filter button. I just don't feel it does anyone good to "candy coat" a problem. I am a strong  in "If you keep on doing what youve always done...then you'll  keep on being the who you've always been" NOTHING CHANGES UNLESS WE CHANGE IT! 
Sometimes I think some people are afraid to hear something that they know is true. If those thoughts stay in our mind they will never go away.
Oh trust me I've tried myself! My weapon of choice for this attempt to ambush those feelings is food. Oh all the ice cream and junk food I've sacrificed and the only outcome is a bigger sexy (sarcastic) stomach and fatter flat ass! Oh and the guilt. Don't try to get rid of the guilt the same way either. That leaves you bloated! Oh I
know that one all to well. Little Debbie isn't your friend!! Lol
So next time your upset or angry and that little voice inside you is talking....(not literally) is trying to tell you something......listen and hear what your thinking. What can it hurt?
If you have something you want to talk with me about you can find a button on my blog to email me.
Have a wonderful day!

Self Worth

As a young child I can't remember my parents ensteeling any self esteem. I was the fat child. I was teased at school and didn't have many friends. I was sick a lot with severe asthma. My mom made me walk to the bus stop with a painters dust mask over my mouth and nose. I hated it. Couldn't play outside on recess either. I had to go sit in the office. My asthma was bad and for some reason my mother thought breathing in cold air would exacerbate my asthma.
I hated recess and lunch. I hated eating alone. A few times I ate in the bathroom. I was embarrassed to sit alone in the cafeteria.
My name is Christine but in elementary school I went by Chrissy. So I was the poor girl who wore the dusk mask. I had bad vision and wore coke bottles! Add chubby and my mother only bought me old ladies polyester pants. The ones with the faux fabric seam down the legs. Ohhs I had blossemed too but mom didn't think I needed a bra. I was called "Chrissy Pissy"! I didn't smell like urine it just rhymed. So are you picturing me yet as a kid? Its a beautiful site! Lol
Looking back I wasn't that chunky. Shoot wish I was that chubby now!
I think everyone has similar horror stories from elementary school.
I never held on to angry. Maybe I was always hoping tomorrow will be better. I laugh now at the name they teased me...Chrissy Pissy because now I do leak and I'm Chrissy Pissy!

I don't hold on to painful or upsetting things. I just always try to let it roll off my back. Then figuire out a way to deal with it. In my future blogs I will be sharing all my stories. I'm hoping if I can change on persons life then its all worth it!